Pokemon Fan Fiction Wiki

The last one didn't go as well as planned(mostly because of a vacation I had), but I'm still starting it's sequel!


Totally not copy-pasted from my previous contest, here are the rules!

  1. Your entry must be a mix between two or more canon Pokémon.
  2. You can make your fusion in any way you want, whether it be by scratching, using the actual sprites or make artwork of it. The only requirement is that it must have a picture of it in the entry.
  3. If you steal art from someone, you will be banned from the montly contest for 1 year, so just don't.
  4. The contests are user-voted.
  5. You can only post 1 entry, unless specified otherwise. Family lines are allowed, through.
  6. Each contest has a Theme that you must respect.
  7. (New rule) In a few rare cases, some of the rules may be excluded.


It's still summer. Some of the aspects people like in it is the fact that it is the time to relax, and that it is the perfect time to go to beach...

But there is also aspects the people do not like in it. One of these is the heat. Heat is usually associed with fire. So there you have it, guys: The fusion must be made between Fire-type Pokémons. The deadline is 27 August. By the way, vote for the previous contest vote here for the previous contest. So, go on and make awesome fusions for me!
